Saturday, May 30, 2015

i loved u
like the venus on her knees towards the sun
too near too hot
burnt at last

when i think of u
all i want to pour out
is poems and lullabies
love and memories can wait

that mad chaotic rush
me with a brain freeze
staring into u
as if i will cut right through u

the wild heart of urs
and the life less gaze
 the pout on ur lips tell a thousand stories
all letting me cross that line , heedless, pointless

everyone said words have the power to change us.
but you glazed on, glum and mute
did you have a lot to say that you didnt know where to begin?

as you say, we could part ways
but before that,
we could go to the beach
i can bury all our memories in the sand
it will lay hidden for eternity
our love immortalised

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