Tuesday, August 18, 2009

these days the way is leading to spirituality...

ofcourse the paths are strewn with rocks and litter but have to reach the destination.

the destination of self realisation.do u think god has been partial?good to some and bad to others.yes i too think so.but there would be some reason for that right?if i knew that he was taking a test,i would have worked hard to pass..... atleast copied from my neighbour..but he gives a surprise test na....i admit he does everything with a good intention,but wat the hell did he think when he created me?he would be sitting at the top plush sofa and watching me rght now as i scribble these nonsences."wat the f#@K is wrong with this idiot"he jus thought now...he he like i care!!

would he mind if i write something bad about him?or will he bless me with something good if i praise him a little....

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